Unhoused Californians Are Getting Older, And They’re Staying Unhoused Longer

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David Wagner reports on business and economy for the LAist and KPCC newsroom.

There is a record high rate of homelessness in the United States. An annual federal count found some 650,000 unhoused people on a single night in 2023.In these challenging times, the need for reliable local reporting has never been greater. Put a value on the impact of our year-round coverage. Help us continue to highlight LA stories, hold the powerful accountable, and amplify community voices. Your support keeps our reporting free for all to use. Stand with us today.

Though the UCSF study did not attempt to pinpoint exactly why older Californians tend to spend more time unhoused, Kushel said homelessness experts have some theories. Older Californians often have fewer job opportunities, she said, either due to age discrimination in hiring or an inability to perform certain work due to poor health or physical impairments.

The UCSF study found that just 15% of unhoused Californians 50 and older are receiving retirement income through Social Security . Even fewer receive income from pensions or Veterans Administration benefits . Despite high rates of disabilities within this group, only 12% are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance.

People directly involved in helping unhoused Angelenos say the underlying cause of the crisis is visible every day: there simply isn’t enough affordable housing for very low-income seniors. Experts say unless California’s response to homelessness changes significantly, these trends will likely continue. The UCSF researchers say current trajectories suggest the share of unhoused people 65 and older nationwide could triple by 2030.Questions Swirled About Millions Of Tax Dollars In OC. After Months Of Silence, A Key Figure Weighs In


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