Money blog: Why eggs are 'nature's multivitamin' - and a surprising alternative

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Stock photographer Viktor Wallon-Hars, who runs the website WahaviBlog, says photographers commonly make dozens to hundreds of dollars a month through selling stock images.The industry is 'not what it was 20 years ago', he says, so it's not financially viable for most stock photographers to pay models. Instead, he says many photographers will use family members to model - or they will take photos of public spaces, which do not require subjects to sign model releases or be paid.

On the occasions when people are asked to model for stock images, Mr Wallon-Hars says you should consider that your face may appear 'in newspapers, calendars, websites or on a book cover'.What else should you know before appearing in a stock image?If you've agreed for your image to be used for sensitive issues, there isn't much you can do when it is used in this way. However, there is something called 'defamatory use' which you are able to seek legal advice over.


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