Nigeria’s economy on path of recovery, I’m not afraid of protests

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Finance Finance Headlines News

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President Tinubu said his administration will do more to meet the needs of Nigerians.

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“I have been extremely busy. The only exercise I have had here is the walk from the residence to this place and then continue with the work. “The Lagos-Calabar coastal road is not being done without studies. It is an economic energiser. From it, we can create infrastructure along the route to develop wind energy and generate power, and we can expand our irrigation network.

“We have created instruments to support the students so that they get education, consumer credit to expand the economy, to improve the purchasing power of the people in order to rejuvenate the economy within a short period of time. We are still recalibrating our oil usage,’’ the president stated. In his remarks, the Sultan of Sokoto said: “I believe that this brief meeting will clear some issues that many people have in their minds. At our meeting on Monday, we had a very open discussion on all issues affecting the nation. We are the ones who will tell you the truth about what is happening in our various communities.’’


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