The US economy has been growing a long time. Here's how it keeps adding so many jobs

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Finance Finance Headlines News

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The strong labor market shows no sign of letting up.

The current expansion is set to become the longest period of growth in US history later this summer. But the strong labor market shows no sign of letting up. Unemployment fell to the lowest level in nearly 50 years in April, the Labor Department reported Friday. Employers added 263,000 jobs. That is well above the average growth of about 200,000 jobs a month throughout this record string of 103 consecutive months of job gains."Spectacular is the only way to describe this number.

Higher inflation and lower unemployment means the Federal Reserve is more likely to raise rates, which itself can put the brakes on the economy.Some of those things have already happened. Wages have been increasing — up 3.2% compared to a year ago, well above the latest 1.9% rate of inflation. More job openings exist than people who want to fill them, according to the Labor Department. And the Fed did raise rates last year, though not enough to slam the brakes on economic growth.


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jaketapper Because Orange Chump is a con man.

jaketapper Because the MSM has done a hatchet job on Trump that is unbelievable. I think it was the Harvard poll that found media coverage of Trump 90% negative. Let’s face it, most journalists and members of the media are liberal and they have never hated anyone like they do Trump.

jaketapper Because the Democrats are jealous to death of his achievements and the media are in bed with the left wing looney liberal Democrats.

jaketapper Cause fakes news is biased and keeps lying.

jaketapper Because he didn’t do anything to impact unemployment. One has to question and wonder if presidents are impactful? What they do represent is our standing In the world. I’m embarrassed when I’m abroad. I shouldn’t have to apologize for my president. Right?!?

jaketapper Not to worry..... MAGA 2020

jaketapper Why aren't CNN'S ratings higher 🤔 wait for it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

jaketapper Because half the country are irrational, unhinged moonbats.

jaketapper The last time the deficit was this high was, well, NEVER. Remember the Clinton years when we had a budget SURPLUS?

jaketapper Grammar police 👮‍♀️

jaketapper Because he is a bully, a liar and a psychopath--and that's just for starters.

jaketapper Because of your lies and hate for a duly elected president.

jaketapper I can tel you why, I’m a trump supporter and so are all the people I work with, we don’t do polls but we do vote, remember 2016.

jaketapper But Aboriginal Americans, American Indians, Indigenous Americans (all referred to as African Americans) can’t get a job in America’s Silicon Valley, Austin, Boston, New York or New Hampshire. Another hoax💋

jaketapper Because small businesses create jobs, not presidents.

jaketapper Hmmm I wonder Couldnt be the constant negative coverage could it

jaketapper Because 99% of media coverage on him is negative! Duh 🙄

jaketapper 🤔What could it be, what could it be? If not the economy what could it be? It’s HimStupid

jaketapper The constant comparing to Nixon.

jaketapper Because you hacks tell lies about him on a daily basis.



jaketapper I can’t think of any reason to keep following Tweets like this one are a calculated smear there’s no reason to expose myself to it

jaketapper Because Democrats and liberal fake news outlets like CNN have been spewing lies and falsehoods about Trump for the last 2 years.

jaketapper Really?!? You don’t know?!?

jaketapper Have you been listening to the hate spewed by you guys 24/7.

jaketapper Becuz he's worse than Nixon and the economy rolls on with or without him, and in spite of his ineptitude and malfeasance

jaketapper You guys are feeding the country complete bullshit designed to boost dump to get him re elected. Ill bet they cooked the numbers and it will come out in the wash how false it really is. They ignored many factors. And only listed what they could to make it look good. Smoke screen.

jaketapper To answer the question as to the catalyst for his approval rating being high, it’d fall upon the United States Educational Demographic resulting from “1990-now”.

jaketapper Easy, because the late great cnn and other media outlets bash trump 24/7

jaketapper Because of Fake news. Trump will be re-elected. Fake polls tell nothing.

jaketapper Ya well if the economy is so good why do people have work 2 3 jobs to get by ?The stock market is not the economy numbers can hide many things and stifle voices because of false narrative happens every f ing time

jaketapper Because the media usually ignores good things but rather focuses on BAD things that are happening!

jaketapper Because of cnn, dnc and CAIRNational

jaketapper His approval ratings are low because of his overall body of work as the president: Tax returns, Charlottesville, Russia, NFL, adultery, porn start...ect... unemployment low “ great” but “character “and “ integrity “ .. factors in him a president also. SaturdayThoughts CNN

jaketapper How many of these jobs are being filled by people looking for a second or third job in order to provide for their families.

jaketapper Because of FakeNewsCNN and the constant lies

jaketapper Obama left 55 Million Americans on welfare after promising Hope and Change! I say CNN should kiss Barry's black ass for all the lies they pump to the public.

jaketapper Because of the fake news and negative portrayals by democratic propaganda “news” agencies like CNN 😡

jaketapper Hmmmm... maybe the media’s 93% negative reporting?

jaketapper The unemployment may be low but are they good paying jobs No ones paychecks are going up! The tax break was for the wealthy! If middle class workers got an extra buck or two it was a lot, and that meager increase threw them into a different tax bracket causing no tax refunds!

jaketapper False pols.

jaketapper Maybe because he’s a truly awful person?

jaketapper Because Nixon did not have networks of lying snakes like CNN, MSNBC, and ABC.

jaketapper Stupid is as stupid does!! Negative news especially from CNN towards the president since he got elected!! That’s why!! And that’s why this Latino will vote again for Trump in 2020!!

jaketapper FakeNewsCNN maybe because you and the rest of the MSM bash him 24x7.

jaketapper Your riding high in April, shot down in May.... what goes up must come down...

jaketapper Not because there are jobs, but because you only get unemployment for four months now.

jaketapper Because the media ain’t focusing on the economy but their main focus is on mueller report all day long and every day for the last two years . Got that ?

jaketapper Great Questions. I thought it was constant Trump bashing. But looking at your rating. No one is really watching

jaketapper Why Because one half of all American Voters will never take part in any type of ‘Poll’.

jaketapper Because he’s a lying snake and a con man?

jaketapper Half the country hates America as it is. Trump represents the real soul of this country and they hate it.

jaketapper Why isn’t cnn’s rating as high as Gilligans island reruns?

jaketapper Because no matter what he does the other half will still hate him. He’d start a cancer initiative at the NIH and they’d cure some cancers. The left would then harass him about eliminating jobs.

jaketapper Two terms, dipsh!t.

jaketapper Interesting. I wonder if those job numbers are fake, which is what Trump accused the previous administration of.

jaketapper Economy on auto pilot that's why.

jaketapper These are polls. From the same people who said he would never win. I have to admit I did not vote for him. I don’t like how he talks or tweets. But I agree with most of his policies and they seem to be working.

jaketapper Hmmm Jake let's see. Maybe because you and your Liberal cohorts bash him on a daily basis making your lemming Liberal followers disapprove of him? Maybe if 95% of the coverage wasn't toxic and you told the truth his ratings would be in the 65-60% range?

jaketapper I'm with Bill Maher. The economy numbers are so good, Trump cannot lose in 2020.

jaketapper Because he’s a traitor. If unemployment is low it’s because there are a ton of jobs that won’t pay a living wage. It’s BS.

jaketapper Because most people don’t want to work 3 jobs to be able to afford to support their families.

jaketapper Because you spend 90% of your time celebrating Russia and Putin.

jaketapper Because of the press portraying him as anti American

jaketapper Fake Numbers

jaketapper Snowflakes

jaketapper The media forgets to add that a lot of those jobs are part time with no benefits and that people are working 2 to 3 jobs to make ends meet.

jaketapper Thank You BarackObama for a solid foundation unlike the financial crisis your team was left with. I see DerangedDonald didn’t leave that and start with nothing like you had tooooooo.

jaketapper Because cnn gins up fear and hatred of realDonaldTrump

jaketapper Because it’s about more than short term money. He’s a liar, a bigot, a petty destructive jerk, and he just might be rightly called subversive. We really didn’t know all about Nixon until he fell apart. Trump is all out there. Most decent people see it and do not like it.

jaketapper The great Job the hater Media houses have put in. In fact but never mind. All is well. The voters know when to approve.

jaketapper What’s the lefts plan if they win? To tax the hell out of us for their socialist programs and take us back to 2010 when obama said a slow economy was the new normal? How can anyone vote for them?

jaketapper back then we had no fake news CNN... thus no constantly by MSM pushing for division in the US society... kiddos to cnn, msnbc, nyt, wapo ect

jaketapper Because this uptick will be short lived.

jaketapper Thanks Obama

jaketapper What jobs are people getting? This is what I want to know. Why is this NEVER reported?

jaketapper Another CNN lie ! CNN = 22 months of lies and her they go again ! Trump approval ratings are the highest ! CNN can not stand it ! Another CNN lie = FLUSH !

jaketapper I think it's over, even CNN is defending Trump now... the con won... rule of law means nothing anymore...

jaketapper Vvvuvvvvvvvvvvvvvvuvv

jaketapper Vvvbvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

jaketapper Vvvbvvvvvvv

jaketapper Bbbbvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

jaketapper Bbbbv

jaketapper Because FakeNewsCNN wasn’t around then.

jaketapper What do you think happens when news networks like CNN spread lies and hate 24/7

jaketapper Why isn’t his approval rating as high? because of the narrative you shove down peoples throats every day

jaketapper Because he mentally deranged

jaketapper Your fake.

jaketapper I was about to watch and listen but then realized this is CNN whom I use to be addicted to ; NOT no more !

jaketapper CNN = FAKE NEWS

jaketapper Because your hateful propaganda daily no facts just hate.

jaketapper Because it was Obama who flipped what he inherited from Bush

jaketapper Don't believe survey's.

jaketapper Because of fake news obviously.

jaketapper Because the Democrats became the cry baby party of obstruction.

jaketapper CNN yesterday: Trump is literally Nixon CNN today: Trump is not Nixon and it's Trump's fault. 🤡🌍

jaketapper Cuz Don’s a Con but he can’t Con the smart people.

jaketapper Because lies by the left are constantly being told about him.


jaketapper Because CNN and other fake news outlets gaslight Americans 24/7 with lies about President Trump.

jaketapper Social media.........


jaketapper Because Trump is a CRIMINAL!

jaketapper Americans are supposed to believe your polls? 😂😂😂😂

jaketapper No body wants or care for fake poll from fake medias like CNN, the fake news champion

jaketapper Because there aren’t as many hill billies?

jaketapper A rhetorical question from FakeNews CNN

jaketapper Because he’s in coverup mode, crooks hide and lie all the time.

jaketapper Are these CNN polls? 🤔

jaketapper Answer: YOU & others like you. Trump2020

jaketapper Thanks to President Obama.

jaketapper Because he lies to us

jaketapper Nixon and Trump... what No collusion there neither!! How can you even relate them in the same thought pattern.. everything Trump has done has been good for the country and good for the people. Why you Fakenews folks want to discredit Trump.. do not understand.

jaketapper Thankful that the vast majority is not drinking the cool-aid and find Trump distasteful.

jaketapper Because like Nixon, trump is a crook.

jaketapper Trump’s ratings would be higher if MSM like CNN wasn’t pumping out a daily barrage of fake news and DNC false narratives. CNN are the enemy of truth and real journalism.

jaketapper Please cnn the people are yearning for objective journalism and with post like this and non stop realDonaldTrump bashing it is so evident that you are not that.

jaketapper You and the MSM....

jaketapper That's a very simple answer: Because of all of your lies and fake news.

jaketapper Because of his 👄 and his tweets! And the higher taxes some of us have to pay!


jaketapper Even cnn has to cover the booming economy KamalaHarris loser SenSanders socialist SenBooker who mayorPete 🤮you guys got nothing!

jaketapper Because of fake journalist, like you!

jaketapper 90% negative MSM reporting and two years of fake news regarding collusion doesn’t help. Duh...

jaketapper Because he’s less trustworthy than Nixon? 🤥🤥🤥🤥

jaketapper It is CNN doesn’t report real news only fake news and lies! ..!.. CNN!

jaketapper Because of propaganda CNN

jaketapper It's bcuz of all the phony negative news carries about President realDonaldTrump and FLOTUS. If the media were honest & fair to POTUS, his 'approval rating' (however bogus a metric that is), would be much, much higher. Face it, MSM is out to destroy Trump. SAD!

jaketapper We all know 😊

jaketapper Because Dems keep spinning the wheel trying to get rid of him They could care less about America

jaketapper Because it’s a different economy. Wages are disproportionately lower than productivity. More people are working to make ends meet, sometimes multiple jobs. The economy is benefitting the wealthy and burying the consumers and workers who make them so.

jaketapper Fake News CNN needs Trump ....what else are they gonna complain about

jaketapper 93% negative coverage of realDonaldTrump by CNN & MSNBC 🤷‍♀️🤔

jaketapper Because Trump had little to do with it and most people hate Trump.

jaketapper Um because Nixon didn’t have all the fake news to deal with.

jaketapper Because of fake news.

jaketapper This is not Trumps win, this is Obama's win. Time for America to ask this President to show them what initiatives are his personal thoughts and ideas, as none are Trumps. The Obama Economic Train is still rolling, Trumps just enjoying the ride. A Freeloader.

jaketapper 56% Approval Rating is worrying the left. Bigtime!

jaketapper Bc he sucks at being POTUS...

jaketapper Because you guys spend all day and night bashing him! Mans not perfect, but we got some good happening in spite of the political/media hating one man!

jaketapper Why? Open treason, racism, corruption, and incompetence.

jaketapper It's because of fake news that don't actually put out true numbers to polls! MSNBC

jaketapper Because we know what this deficit is doing!!!!

jaketapper Because of you and your media buddies of course.

jaketapper Surprised his ratings are that good with the constant beating he gets from the media.

jaketapper Because he has a 24 hour media cycle claiming he’s a Russian agent. And a Democratic Party that literally is putting party in front of country.

jaketapper Because of your 24 propaganda machine....

jaketapper Because he is hated by all intelligentnpeople throughout the world.

jaketapper Who says it’s not? CNN?

jaketapper He isn't responsible and corrupt is correctly what describes him! Acts more like a dictator every day and the Dems sit on their hands waiting for their next vacation!

jaketapper Because the economy is a house of cards. Difficult to take solace in an economy where the biggest sectors are shuffling data bytes, treating illness & service to the wealthy. While farming & manufacturing have nosedived.

jaketapper Who cares... say Thank You President Trump

jaketapper 10,000 lies? Hush money? Racist? Bully? Name calling? Tried to obstruct? Believes Putin over his own people? Tax returns? Emoluments? NOT EXONERATED!

jaketapper Could be you jaketapper

jaketapper Because he’s a 💩

jaketapper Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama at this time in their presidency.

jaketapper I don’t know could it be because of the fake news! But I don’t believe his approval ratings low you said that his approval rating was too low to be elected in 2016. I’m calling bullshit on that!

jaketapper Could it be 24/7 constant BS from CNN?

jaketapper Somebody hacked jaketapper’s brain😫😫🤯🤯👀👀

jaketapper Great for you to recognize what is true. Perhaps there can be common ground.

jaketapper Because of the lies and distortion of facts that CNN, MSNBC, MSN, ABC, NBC and rest of the lying liberal movement press. I hope that your sponsors drop you like a hot potato because smart American citizens are.

jaketapper You’re still acting like you’re 9 months old. Grow up. 🇺🇸

jaketapper America keeps winning and liberals are beside themselves. They want us to fail more than they worship Obama. And that’s a lot.

jaketapper But what did Jake’s Pundits say

jaketapper Because of headlines like this.

jaketapper Because the 'news' didnt attack him 24/7

jaketapper I don’t know what it is, but I have some reservation about these numbers. Call me skeptical. Who is the Labor Secretary again? Let me think about these numbers before I jump on the bandwagon.

jaketapper Because he’s a gross traitor and had nothing to do with the economy?

jaketapper Good for u CNN,if you keep repeating this,your rating might go higher. The minute you attack Trump it will go down.SERIOUSLY

jaketapper Hitler create a bum in German economy and then went after minorities and Jews,Trump takes credit for economy but don’t say it was starting with Obama,!

jaketapper Because it would have happened anyway, only with decent government it would be fantastic. Also, it seems like the 'roaring '20s' again, and you know how well that worked, right?

jaketapper Cause they probably are all shitty minimum wage jobs.

jaketapper Wages stagnant.

jaketapper Simple..a horrible barrage of negative media coverage by dishonest outlets like CNN,MSNBC,Cbs,NBC,ABC. The media is fast digging itself a hole by trying to be a part of the plan to take down a good president...Keep digging..

jaketapper MSM constant hate

jaketapper Who cares about unemployment rates? Tell me about WAGES.

jaketapper It's his conduct stupid.

jaketapper How's that deficit

jaketapper Cause of Trump derangement syndrome/duh....

jaketapper CNN has to put a negative spin on even the most wonderful news for this country. Why can't you just report one fucking unbiased story.

jaketapper Because CNN wasn’t weaponized by Democrats back then

jaketapper Uhh because the media’s 90% negative reporting of Trump.

jaketapper Because of networks like CNN spreading hate, lies and fake news

jaketapper Good job Donald....need you for another 4 years....

jaketapper 90 plus % negative fake news like two years of non stop Russian Collusion and BS like Trump is a Russian agent. And the media lives in a giant echo chamber only hearing what they and others like them think.

jaketapper 50% isn't too shabby.

jaketapper Because it’s bullshit

jaketapper Gee why is that? Fakenews

jaketapper If the truth was known, they are.

jaketapper Because he is even worse than Nixon

jaketapper Everyone has two jobs and no money.

jaketapper Maybe because of a Russian collusion hoax that was perpetuated by fake news like you! But that is gonna change now....

jaketapper When you behave like the lowest common denominator in society, you appeal to the lowest common denominator in society... Little more needs to be said...

jaketapper Because Nixon didn’t like the Great Lakes like Trump because they are big, beautiful and deep.

jaketapper Why? Would it be the collusion between the Democrats and media, the 92% negative coverage? Wonder what his approval rating will be after the IG report and Trumps declassification of documents?

jaketapper because wages are approaching the confederates wet dream

jaketapper RFK knew

jaketapper Trump is lying about the unemployed most people are working more then one job to pay their bills

jaketapper Because of liberal media.

jaketapper Why? Because alot of folks are working 2-3 jobs to pay rent, mortgage, ins, food, clothing and just basic essentials. So Yee Ha for that so called booming economy. Many Millennials won't make middle class and our children and grandchildren will bear the brunt of the deficit. 👎🤦

jaketapper Trump is fighting anti American media and their retarded viewers. But he will win every time. CNN is pathetic. I may be sick but I love to watch them lose time and time again. Great entertainment.

jaketapper Because Trump is a liar who is selling our country to the highest bidder. Nixon tried to hide his crimes Trump doesn't bother.

jaketapper Well for one, all of the lies you have told did have a negative effect.

jaketapper Because of the lying Dems & the MSM, their lying biased anti-Trump media arm.

jaketapper Because of the fakenews attacks. Da!

jaketapper Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise..... you must be so proud in your part MSM!

jaketapper Simple the daily attacks from main stream media and the fake investigation amongst other things.

jaketapper Because of the left wing propaganda machine and it’s FAKE NEWS! WadeDukes

jaketapper Did you ever think that they could be misreporting the stats. They lie about everything else.

jaketapper I don’t know if you turned off CNN and MSNBC and he would have a great reputation, maybe it’s the lies

jaketapper Gee...I wonder

jaketapper Romney said it best when he ran. 46% of the people are going to vote Democrat regardless of what any Republican does.

jaketapper Because unemployment has been dropping for 10 years. We care more about the President being a petty, lying, treasonous embarrassment than another good jobs report.

jaketapper Thanks Obama! never mind. That is what he may say again.

jaketapper Just wait until the Obama administration spies start getting locked up. Nellie ohr, Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson have been referred for prosecution. Tick .... Tock.

jaketapper Why? Because of your fake news and constant negative reporting... like this article

jaketapper Here’s one reason why: Reporter: Did you tell [Putin] not to meddle in the next election? Trump: We didn't discuss that

jaketapper Knew you would skew this news to a negative on Trump. He's not more popular with your shrinking viewership.


jaketapper His poll numbers are not what they should be because pollsters don’t include a fair number of Republicans in the pool. Just like in 2016, pollsters misled the people to believe Trump had no chance.

jaketapper Gee whiz, and jaketapper, it couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that all of you clowns in the legacy media bash realDonaldTrump 24/7/365 now could it? No wonder YOUR ratings are in the toilet.

jaketapper Because there wasn't 24-7 criticism on the news. Your tweet is a perfect example of not just giving the President credit. Just gotta put in a dig.

jaketapper This is why you are called FakeNews Everything always has to have a slant. Can’t say something positive about the president even when it’s deserved. CNNisFakeNews always needs that liberal narrative!

jaketapper Trump can't be trusted

jaketapper Because Trump is a fool, he is destroying America and democracy and everyone knows it

jaketapper Because there's more to life than money. Like our morality and our security of which Trump stomps on every day of the week. There's no peace!

jaketapper Why compare him to Nixon your Freaks.


jaketapper AmericaFirst Jobs TRUMP2020Landslide

jaketapper There weren’t homeless people everywhere then, Nixon started the EPA, Nixon generally had good relations with our allies,not our enemies, Nixon didn’t practice nepotism, etc.

jaketapper I’m guessing it is the moral compass issue. He seems to embellish way too much, and his personal attacks are too much for the normal American. Am I glad that unemployment is that low? Yes, but what is this costing us morally?

jaketapper Because of fake news slandering, pretty obvious

jaketapper This is not Tump’s economy or employment numbers. Obama worked real hard to get it where it is. BTW, Jake how do you feel about Trump working for Putin to destroy our democracy. You must be so proud that you had a huge part in putting him in the White House. MSNBC nytimes AP

jaketapper Maybe because CNN and the media are on a 3 year propaganda crusade to push and glorify everything negative on him and ignore all the positive? Many of us read the leaked Shareblue memorandum during the election..and the media has followed it to the letter.

jaketapper Because he's unfit for office and Americans know this is a continuation of the Obama economy.

jaketapper There it is, the praise followed by a negative statement.

jaketapper Putin’s your real President, Trump is just the brand


jaketapper Because of the fake bull shit news the main stream liars like yourself pushes! Oh wait and the sheep who believe the so called reporters are reporting FACTS and not their own personal speculative opinions. Because that’s all is. Speculation based reporting now. AKA LIARS!

jaketapper I missed where are those jobs? HouseDemocrats KamalaHarris RepJeffries SpeakerPelosi JoeBiden RepCummings SenSchumer resist DerangedDonald taxes

jaketapper Because he has no tact, lacks presidential/leadership qualities, and speaks like a trucker

jaketapper Anyone could have followed Obama and continued this trend, that’s why it’s not helping his rating. The fact he’s the person he proves himself to be every day will keep those ratings low. We want dignity, respect, and honor in the US, and he does NOTHING for us in that regard

jaketapper What goes up must come down eventually (stock market).I'm in central OH trying to get a job making $8.50per hour.Companies don't do trickle downMany jobs that don't pay what they should.

jaketapper Because people hate the President. How hard is that to figure out? I don’t care if the economy is great. He has to go. The economy will not crash when he loses in 2020. His inflated ego will tell the people that, but it’s a lie.

jaketapper Maybe b/c continue to beat the president down with negative news.

jaketapper Certainly does not take into account the people who have stopped looking, adult children still needing financial help from their aging parents & the aging parents who have been erased from the job market & can’t find credible work.

jaketapper Because Trump is an asshole for starters. Nixon actually did presidential things. He started the EPA, ended the draft, signed Title IX into law and more. Watergate seems small compared to all of Trump’s crimes.

jaketapper There’s more to life than money and most aren’t seeing this boom. Mostly just corps and rich people. Many still fighting to stay above water.


jaketapper Because Nixon wasn’t an illiterate

jaketapper What’s always lost on the unemployment rate coverage is how many people are needing to work multiple jobs to TRY to make ends meet. gigeconomy JobsReport noretirement

jaketapper Sure it has nothing to do with cnn and msnbc Propaganda fakenews or Democrats whining 24/7. VoteRed Election2020 WalkAway

jaketapper It’s hard to celebrate with a liar and cheat in office. Putin’s best friend.

jaketapper 'So why isn't President Trump's approval rating as high as Nixon's were back then?' BECAUSE TRUMP realDonaldTrump IS A JERK WHO ONLY KNOWS HOW TO TEAR DOWN PROGRAMS NOT BUILD PROGRAMS. BECAUSE HE KNOWS HOW TO DEVIDE NOT HOW TO JOIN AND ENGAGE DEEP DOWN TRUMP IS CANCER for US

jaketapper Because the fake media won’t get off his back. Obama didn’t do 💩 for 8 years and the fake media praised him the whole time. Last time I check CNN ratings are also 💩 and your days are ending. Trump will win no problem in 2020. 🇺🇸👍

jaketapper Because FakeNews outlets like CNN have been feeding the plebs a steady diet of 'orange man bad'

jaketapper Well calling a person a traitor to several years every day may have an effect on influencing viewers that are to lazy to turn the channel and look at other sources for their NEWS

jaketapper Easy, these include temp figures and contracting which could change tomorrow just like the stock market! No health insurance, vacations, etc. Plus, if one really took away these temp jobs it would be more like 4.5 to 5%!

jaketapper Because in the heart of America's heart...we know he is an evil, vile creature and should not be the leader of this good nation.

jaketapper Let me guess, Trump thinks he looks like Ringo

jaketapper It would be wise for MSM to start immediately & attempt to repair their public standing by first apologizing to America then self evaluate & report on how an entire liberal media industry became so derelict in their responsibilities/reporting falsehoods, often intentionally

jaketapper Because of Fake News like CNN

jaketapper Thanks, Obama.....

jaketapper Because of your propaganda machine spreading lies and misinformation. That’s why Jake.

jaketapper Because the media is the marketing arm of the DNC.

jaketapper Because he is still a corrupt lying individual & untrustworthy.

jaketapper Hmmmm,Hmmmmmm. 'In between the sheets,' wondering whose on top on this relationship?

jaketapper CNN Fake News !

jaketapper Suck it Bernie Sanders

jaketapper It's your poll that's why!!?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


jaketapper Some things are more important, I guess.

jaketapper Because the Beatles are no more pal . But you say goodbye and I say hello ..

jaketapper Did you grow up?

jaketapper He's the biggest liar on earth

jaketapper It’s not real and we’re on borrowed time (and borrowed money) until it all comes crashing down. Yeah ‘womp womp’ but that’s my opinion.

jaketapper Because dying, lying CNN works 24-7 against him. Notice you have the Apple as a logo. The fruit 'traditionally' (though not described) caused the Fall of humankind when eaten. Follower of lies and the Father of lies.

jaketapper CNN has to ask this question, now you know why they are called fake news. Can I take a guess, maybe because 97% of the main stream press coverage of President Trump, is very negative. Over the past 12 months how much time has CNN spent talking about the economy, VERY LITTLE.

jaketapper 'So why isn't President Trump's approval rating as high as Nixon's were back then?' duh

jaketapper Always finding a negative spin🙄 Can’t understand how you even ask that with the media and social media world being so much different than back then.

jaketapper Because you guys like division & hate cause you got beat playing your own game

jaketapper Trumpet is a different game and it's with Russia 🇷🇺

jaketapper Because of the non stop negative, let’s divide America rhetoric from your employer and many others Jake! Hispanic unemployment at 4.6%, wow

jaketapper Bcuz ppl know that Trump inherited the economy f/Pres Obama

jaketapper Thank you President Trump!!!

jaketapper Because the polls are total and complete bullshit

jaketapper because NIXON wasn't a Russian puppet!!!

jaketapper Oh, I don’t know I can only think of 10,000 reasons

jaketapper Because while Nixon was a crook, he was our crook. Trump is Putin's crook (and I don't mean crook- but same number of letters).

jaketapper Perhaps you should ask your employer CNN ... they have been spinning the propaganda about the President from the day he announced running for President. However, Americans are smarter, they listen but verify .

jaketapper Because the news you report to your sheep viewers. They believe most of it to be true.

jaketapper Well Fakeslapper..Because the filthy media like CNN demonizes him and never speak any good of the president.

jaketapper thats easy to answer he is not a very nice person he is racist, a bully , a cheater a well known liar the list can go on and on and on

jaketapper Gotta laugh at libs. Throughout Obama's presidency, the anemic eco omy was Bush's fault. Trump gets elected and immediately, the market responds. Economy has been growing since, but according to fecal headed leftists, it's miraculously Obama's economy. Just stop.

jaketapper Thank you president Obama!

jaketapper Wow your ACTUALLY reporting on his huge gains What stance are you going to take when you all look stupid AGAIN when the traitors shown to have set him up /spied etc are named because you know you’ve been a part of it

jaketapper Because your president acts like a child whenever he doesn't get his way. People don't allow their children to bully, call people names and and publicly shame them, why would they want their President to act that way? He is just simply a horrible human being.

jaketapper Good point.

jaketapper TrumpResign

jaketapper His ratings are great, just remember the ratings in 2016. Like the dossier there polls are fake, fake, fake!'

jaketapper Because all of the media conspires to brainwash people

jaketapper Way to take something positive and find the negative angle. Just rejoice for the people that unemployment is low. No need to mention Trump. I'm not a fan of Trump, won't vote for him, but annoyed with the obsession with him as well. Something good is actually happening yea!

jaketapper Better economy and low unemployment has happened in spite of him not because of him............

jaketapper I just don’t understand, told us Trump would tank the economy?

jaketapper Maybe because of the conspiracy against him and the Fakenewsmedia!

jaketapper People are more stupid. World starts at mediocre and goes downhill from there.

jaketapper Possibly because approval ratings are polled by a biased media?

jaketapper It's at 50%. Can't even report an undeniable positive story on Trump without throwing in ur biased bullshit.

jaketapper Because he as a human is an idiot and we gage our President today on a coolness factor on effectiveness of how you do the job but how many times you are on ESPN

jaketapper Because Nixon was only a criminal and trump is a scumbag all unto himself within the diseased alternate reality he exists in.

jaketapper Because he is a crook and a liar.

jaketapper Because of the liberal bias media not wanting to report facts or he would have a higher rating.

jaketapper What kinds of jobs are they? I’m certain they aren’t jobs like manufacturing and infrastructure that will strengthen this country. We’ve become a service oriented and disposable society- just like Rome before the fall.

jaketapper Because CNN sucks

jaketapper 'So why isn't CNN's ratings as high as they were two years ago then?' UMMM... MuellerReport! :-)

jaketapper Because the polls may be biased?

jaketapper Ask how much in taxes people of wealth were paying in 1969 under Richard Nixon.

jaketapper Just look at all the acting job at the White House

jaketapper Ooooh I know! 👋🏼 It’s because Democrats would rather have a horrible economy with high unemployment than approve of anything Trump does.

jaketapper Always nice to inherit an economy in its 7th year of expansion

jaketapper Because of the lies from your network

jaketapper The Democrat MSM?

jaketapper Because FAKE NEWS CNN and the rest of Hate President Trump trash the President 24/7. Snowflakes and the socialist hate him because what they hear and read. ALL HATRED SINCE HE WAS ELECTED.

jaketapper he is unfit?

jaketapper The so called mainstream news media has become the voice of propaganda for the democrats and continue to spew hate and anti-trump rhetoric. cnn, your hate for trump has blinded cnn to reality and destroyed any of cnn's credibility. STOP the HATE! STOP the HATE! STOP the HATE!

jaketapper Because of all the FakeNews and MediaBias... You don't have to be a FakeJournalist to figure that out.

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