Opinion | If the economy keeps its momentum, 2020 will be Trump’s to lose

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Opinion: If the economy keeps its momentum, 2020 will be Trump’s to lose

A"now hiring" sign hangs in the window of a restaurant in Fargo, N.D. By Henry Olsen Henry Olsen Columnist focusing on politics, populism, and American conservative thought Email Bio Follow Columnist May 3 at 4:14 PM Friday’s job numbers are marvelous for President Trump. The headline unemployment rate is now the lowest since 1969, and the aggregate 263,000 job gain was nearly 50 percent higher than economists had forecast.

People with disabilities are also reaping the benefits of this economy. Unemployment among this population dropped from 8 percent last April to 6.3 percent now, showing that in a hot job market, employers seem willing to make accommodations and offer higher wages to bring these people back to work. The wonder in all of this is why Trump isn’t more politically popular. Some of this is surely due to the man himself. His conduct during the 2016 campaign excited millions but alienated others, and the booming economy has not yet changed their minds.

One wonders whether, at some point, the economic boom will be so huge that it will drive opinions on its own.


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What about insurance, environmental issues, and the constant interference from Republicans on social issues? We can do better than Trump!

He’s going to win in a Landslide‼️👏👏👏👏 Sorry Post❗️

Ivanka will be the first Woman President after Donald’s second Term 👍🇺🇸

The economy can do just as well with a much more moral President.

Hard for some to read, but the absolute truth. Been saying it for months.

The economy plays an important factor but necessarily what defines our POTUS. He will win bcuz the ppl want him in office despite what the media tells us!

Jobs. but not good salary

Trump has done what he said he would do for working class Americans, he deserves 4 more years

so let me ask. who is this economy good for? who is doing well in this economy? why are lower income household losing even more wealth in this economy and mid-mid income stagnant.

Start making excuses now.


The debt will crush us all.

No we are headed toward another housing/ financing collapse!

He can be forced to be removed if it takes the guns that he protects in-the NRA crap!

More fake news Rasmussen has Trump at 50% approval rate, 90 approval rate with republicans

Hey no worries Trump is going to win in 2020 by a landslide!

Only due to dumb articles like this.

Strong economy give me a break as those who are going to lose there job's just this year alone this country is on a down ward turn and Trump and many don't see it and when they do it will be to late to fix.

You folk stop carrying water for Trump/ Gang. Highlight the negatives of this economy.1 million Homeless. People ant feeling it like you guys say. Buying used cars and can’t afford to buy a tag or pay for the title.Emergency means late rent.This is folks I Know.Truth/no lies NOW

So, as long as the ecomony is doing well, it doesn't matter if he's a fucking criminal? Fuck that and the horse it rode in on!

Dems are looking dismal.

Bullshit, Henry. The country isn't full of selfish people like you who only care about how they're doing financially. Many of us care deeply about Trump and the GOP's destruction of Democracy. You can't love your country and love Trump, too. Because he doesn't love either of us.

optimism that POTUS nearly always below 40% approval would even get close. His foot-in-mouth habits and lies-per-minute are just too big a hurdle for large majority of eligible voters. (DJT only got 27% of eligible voters votes last election.)

And lose it he will, as long as he keeps holding those ridiculous lying orgies, AKA rallies.

.Who believes this Administration? NO ONE!!! That’s a FakeReport!! This Administration are represented by LIARS!!! CrookedGOPAdministration STOP Lying about everything!! maggieNYT nytimes johnson_carrie CNN ChrisCuomo ananavarro

... if the damage trump has done in his first two years is just a down payment on his end game to MAGA then lead me to the unemployment line...

Get him out

So this means good economy (handed over humming to Trump) out weighs racism lying child separation incompetence tax cuts for the rich more lying and complete undermining of democracy. Makes me sad that so many of this country support those values.

The rich people can't afford to continue what they are doing. Either way things are going to fall apart after 2020. You wouldn't want Trump at the helm. VoteBlueNoMatterWho2020 VoteForChange vote out DerandgedDonald


This is not about the economy stupid.

On the contrary. It will be his win.

The jobs don’t pay anything.

Stop making this about the stock market.

Not only does Trump win reelection, but Republicans also take back the House.

There has yet to be a bad quarter yet. If the economy is a major factor, the Dems will have no answer. It never came close to these numbers under Obama.

Trump needs to be in prison! What is wrong with the Washington Post?!

Uh if the economy continues on it will help him not hurt him

Character is more important than money.

If it is only money, and not the soul of America.

If the economy was the only barometer of electoral success shouldn't the Republican party held onto or barely lost the Hpuse?

Zero wage growth and increased taxes but you keep interpreting that hum in an ignorant perspective

The Post allowed this in your paper? Shocking

Oh really?

The greatest economy ever for the first time ever in our history people can afford food and medicine... this is all due to President Trump

deficit is out of control. Trump is giving away borrowed money. Piper will need to be paid. False narrative. Secondly treason is and will not be acceptable, unless we want a dictator. He fashions himself after Un & Putin heaven help those who vote. I can cast my ballot now

With an economy like this, he should be at 70% job approval. Not 40%. That tells you all you need to know about how bad he is.

So the economy is doing well in spite of trump. Tell that to the people who work two and three jobs to pay rent. Obama is responsible for getting the country out of recession. Nothing trump has done supports the strong economy.

Seems like an easy decision

If these were perm full time jobs with a wage 2 raise a fmly & benefits I’d say fab/but they aren’t/you’re not paying the mort getting adeq hlthcr paying 4 braces childcare tutors coll educations & saving 4 retirement with part-time & gig jobs/these s are nonsense

I would like to know if the jobs people have are full time or part-time and how much is their take home pay......

What was the german ecomony like in 1933?

LOL, no. He’s got a few problems that may arise....

Which goes to prove the old saying “it’s the economy, stupid”. JustinTrudeau doesn’t get this and still thinks it’s all about him! cdnpoli canpoli oneanddone

If? Will be? It allready is his to lose but he's not going to. AND the economy will be fine in 2020 and would be MUCH BETTER right now if the fed would stop trying to manipulate things down to harm the President.. People still believe the fed is here to protect them, unreal..

I had feelings about who wrote this and oh look Henry Olsen Everyone can happily ignore this and go back to what they were doing

If you want Trump out you must impeach. Impeachment does not necessarily mean the Senate will remove. It allows people to see Trump from within than outside. It starts campaigning indirectly.

Only if you Democrats try to steal it again with your foreign counterparts. (Ask the Obama administration for details)

Let’s see. What can you progressives do to tank the economy? AntiAmerican

Amazing media ignores massive deficits stimulus from Creating artificial jobs as media economists like ChristineRomans CNNMoneyEcon become realDonaldTrump advocates PeteDominick RepKatieHill CA25 aoc

Wait now, what economy is that exactly? The one where the booming stock market and high GNP enriches the one percent or the one where people can't afford health insurance and work three jobs to keep a roof over their heads? Dems need to talk about the REAL economy.

Trump 2020

The economy should not - and cannot - be the only criteria for voters in Trumpland. If it is, they're asking for a maniacal authoritarian who will continue to damage this country's stability. What are you missing people? Does this all seem like a competent administration to you?

Sadly, I agree with this

The economy's been in a down-slide since 2007. The slide has slowed down a bit but it's been decline all the way. And with interest rates & labor participation rate showing the absolute true facts this is part of a larger downslide since NAFTA began.

First, Trump's election had nothing to do with economy, and, second, it has been doing very well for the top 10% from Obama's 2nd term. Underpaid, underemployed continue to predominate.

I agree.

It wont retail jobs are shrinking and tariffs will start to have an effect soon.

I'm not selling my soul because of job numbers and stock market escalations. Its bigger than that. By the way, remember when he said we shouldn't believe job numbers and that they were fake when they looked great under the last Administration? Why should we believe them now?

All those low paying jobs are shit and you know it.

You can't take BloodMoney into hell. The ashes make it hard to breathe

Washington Post‘s editors stealthily changed the headline of a pessimistic article about the economy once it was made ridiculous by the good news in Pres Trump’s April economic report. “Trump faces string of setbacks to his efforts to juice U.S. economy.”

Who was the last Republican President that didn’t have a recession during his term? 18 months is a long time.

Did it ever occur to anyone that, as with everything else in this Administration, the numbers could be a lie? Have you been out on the streets of the U.S. to see the poverty & homelessness? Maybe you should try it.

The economy is not a litmus test to a political race. There are pressing issues in communities of color that far outweigh an blossoming economy that still has not shown its face in their neighborhoods. This is the electorate that votes sparingly too. Imagine if they did...

Idiot, it’s already his to lose. He is President.

There is no momentum for anyone in the middle to lower class. Fix your headlines you want the idoit elected again.

the dems have stopped working for the country. too busy working to impeach him. they will have nothing to base their campaign on except hatred. defeat looming large!

It's not the economy, stupid. The economy has been doing great since 2012. Republicans won 2016 on identity politics

Lol doubt it.

You expecting us to pray for a financial collapse to save the nation? Wow!

you misunderstand the backlash to tRump in general. if he were even somewhat honorable...you would be more accurate in your assumption. as it is...you are wildly ignorant of what will drive dems to vote in droves

Lots of jobs...little money...Burger King hiring!!

You keep trying your best by never reporting the many positives the trump administration is doing for this country.

Average hourly wages have grown 3.2% last 12 months. 401k’s are growing with record stock market. GDP growth 3.6%. Unemployment at record low.

That does not mean getting one of these jobs will cover a basic cost of living - rent

Bullshit. Out here those stats aren't true.

And also thanks to this guy.

You strongly under estimate the decency of Americans.

The democrats and socialists don’t care about how well the economy is doing, they just want a candidate that will promise them free stuff: Obama phones, tuition debt, “democracy dollars.”

You can't judge the economy on how well the affluent and mega-wealthy are doing. Why don't some of you step outside of your offices, go out in the field and chat with average Americans and ask them how well they're doing. I'll bet you'll get an earful.

Another plant closed & 1400 ppl are unemployed. Folks have full-time jobs & part-time jobs to keep the lights on. Others work low wage part-time jobs with no benefits, rent is skyrocketing, homelessness has more than doubled, cost of living is up, wages stagnant - Booming my a**!


What about the fact that healthcare costs are rising, gas prices are rising, my taxes are rising, the deficit is SOARING. This supposed strong economy is not helping everyone but the cost will ultimately be felt by us all.

Oh what a tangled web we weave. MSM is becoming more and more ridiculous.

Well, that's like, just, your opinion, man.

If Dems pick a far lefty trump could win.

Convoluted opinion to say the least But the Washington post is know for abstract thinking not necessarily objective Can't wait for the $250,000 000 law suit to happen where they harmed a child without even checking for the facts


Fake news

Imagine another 4 long years with Trump in the WH..😱🤪

And he will lose because I’m NOT voting for him even if the economy momentum triples...

In your wildest dreams!

I disagree vehemently with your analysis. Deficit and debt are out of control. Farmers, miners, auto workers are suffering. Many people hold down 2 jobs to make ends meet. Hourly wage is stagnant and a disgrace. Healthcare costs are unmanageable. Average family is not doing great

Are you kidding me? A unhinged, corrupt, lying President would win re-election?!!

The economy was doing well under Obama, but people still voted republican that would normally have voted democratic. Who’s not being hired and who is going bankrupt. Trump voters. Who’s doing well in this economy? Rich people and corporations, not workers.

We are losing our Government F the economy?

If the current electoral college districts remains the same Trump will win again! That should be your headline. Run a story on that!

Trump is not the economy. It’s imperative people figure this out.

Once again consider the source here...Olsen is hardly an unbiased reporter. Political operative posing as a reporter is more accurate.

momentum has not hit most citizens

Just stop....

I’m going to put my faith in the fact that most people will use common sense and actually care about the morality & safety of our country & not put their faith in the lies & greed of trump.

Really? There are no other important issues on which voters might base their decisions? It’s that really true, our democracy and our country really are lost.

Is anyone investigating whether these 50-year low unemployment numbers are real? trump accused Obama of rigging his numbers so... you know what that means.

This seems like a bad take. The econ was good in 2016, but the candidate seen as an extension of Obama’s admin didn’t win, for many reasons, but 1 being workers weren’t benefiting. Isn’t that happening now too, when I keep seeing stories how farmers are going bankrupt etc...

If? Ahaaahhaah!!! Ahhhhh! IF LEFTISTS ARE OUT OF POWER the economy will improve further. IF DEMOCRATS get elected the next phase of their socialist destruction of the USA will begin.

Phooey...he didn’t create this. He has created discord and chaos

Hope he does this loser needs to go live with Putin

There's more to leadership than the economy. Also, many of the people who have jobs in America right now are still poor. With no health care access. And the president has a 39% approval rating and is under investigation for multiple serious crimes.

Which of your economists did this analysis? Increasing annual deficit by over $600Billion to get an increased economic activity of under $200Billion is a short term sugar high at best and disaster later. Healthcare, gas, home & car ins, rents, mortgages all cost a lot more


OMG an actual article on what is important and relevant.

Its based on a trillion dollar deficit. That's not momentum. Its a recipe for disaster.

A very good argument why democracy is a terrible idea.

Sure, GOP talking point: economy, economy, economy. How about: growing deficit, growing deficit, growing deficit? Also, stock market reaching record highs does not help the average American

Disagree. Our lives and country are more than the unemployment rate. We need our laws upheld , an honest and decent president with respect for our democracy. We do not need a traitor at the helm of this country just for economic gains and making a mockery of everything decent.

But it is growing at extreme cost. Trumps tax plan will bankrupt us unless Social Security and Medicare are cut BIG. I'm pretty sure that was the plan from the beginning.

Trump 2020 in a landslide!!!!

“It’s the economy stupid”

The economy is being falsely propped up with fake low interest rates

If economy was doing so good during Obama’s time, don’t think I would have seen this lie from WaPo.

The economy was booming under Obama who got us out of a recession. I really do not believe these numbers... who put them out?

Once again the media equating Wall Street's economy with the people's economy. They are NOT the same thing. Working your ass off from birth to death with two jobs while struggling to save is NOT A GOOD ECONOMY.

Please post the recent WS analysis on the impact of the Trump give away, it mirrors Bush numbers just before the great crash. It isn’t as great as Trump claims Unemployment back to pre 2017 filings Trade deficit growing at enormous rates, America first isn’t what he says

Got that $$ backwards puppets

Can’t wait for bubble to pop.

0 sense

Does Henry Olsen seriously think that a good economy is the only measure of a Presidency? Trump is moving the country backwards on the environment, reproductive freedom, healthcare, deficit reduction, foreign alliances, ethical government, LGBTQ rights and on and on. AnyDem2020

Bull Crap, stop Normalizing this Embarrassment, a Dog could have done just as well, Thank Obama and Next...

Ever notice what when the news actually has good news about Trump, they have to categorize it under “Opinion” so they don’t piss off their anti-Trump base?

Please look into numbers. I believe they are being manipulated. No one I know has recieved a 3% wage increase.

Please people let's not forget the economy has been growing for about 9yrs now he's only been taking the W H hostage for 2yrs so I'll say thank you 44

The Post keeps hammering on stupid hysterical doctrine. Jobs eh,, what? It’s great for people that actually want work, not free ride. Homelessness in Montgomery County decreased by 23%. Coincidence

You got that right

Propped up by stock buybacks. The economy the WP talks about does not apply to 95% of America. Do you own stock? I don't know one single person that does. The bottom will fall out eventually.

Why people conflate trump and a strong economy I'll never understand.

An economy without regulation that is destroying the planet at breakneck speed, increasing wealth disparity like never before, and exploding the debt at unprecedented levels. Thanks for mentioning all of that Oh wait...

No matter how hard WaPo tries. 😢

This is certainly a possibility, especially if the progressive agenda is presented in a way that looks like it might overwhelm your wallet. Change is needed but must be paced in a realistic not idealistic way🌞

All the minimum wage jobs you want

Just speaks to the greed of Americans. They’ll accept any bullshit as long as their 401k is growing...

The Media needs to come up with some new fake scandal soon.

With Paper ballots, Trump wouldn’t have a chance

So the national debt isn’t part of the economy?

He's managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory over and over before becoming POTUS. He'll find a way to manage it again.

That’s a big if

North Korea fired a type of short-range weapon off the country’s east coast on Saturday morning via WSJ

The economic performance numbers are the ones Obama said couldn’t happen during the last campaign. Of course the Washington Compost won’t mention that.

You don’t believe that. Anything to try to destroy his performance as a President. Start buying tissues and make appointment with therapist because you are going to need them.

So you’re saying that ALL Americans care about is money? Not character? Not corruption? Not rights? Not this American! I don’t buy this.

WHEN trump loses in 2020, the victory will be for the American people. Economy and ALL

in 18 months trump could screw three economy's like this.

Every editorial headline I read from this paper appears to indicate pundits sinking further and further into delusion. The real economy is not good. It’s no better than it was when Trump said it was terrible three years ago.

Trump has had a pattern of being successful in life to the extent he has people around him to “manage” him-eventually those people are exhausted and trump’s belief in his own infallibility becomes unbound. He then destroys himself. In the past he could B/K his way out.

Good Econ and still below 40% approval!? It ain’t “the economy stupid” for this president. SoulofaNation2020


Trump's tax cut did nothing to stimulate job growth. So Americans are just supposed to forget all the corruption, incompetence, inappropriate shameful behavior, obstruction and collusion with Russia?

The top 20%....😐

So it can be expected that the libturds in the Legislative Branch and the butthurt non talented biased crybabies of main stream media will continue in their attempts to downplay and sabotage every thing good or about to be good going on in America! Pathetic

Lol so many butt hurt comments


Not if the Democratic nominee asks, “Has YOUR economy or life improved under this ‘thriving’ economy?” Because if you’re not in the top .001%, the answer for most is a resounding “NO!” WhoseGreatEconomy

Booming economy is the precursor of big recessions. Buy a history book.

The economy is certainly working for corps and investors. But not for everyone else.

Good to see the Post is still in Trumps back pocket

For 2020 you are still propagating his lies. Making them sound real and true. The thing is, we, the people are realizing who is pushing the real fake news.

Yes, don't include the of people being laid off

Maybe to single issue stockbroker voters

If the economy keeps its momentum and the left keeps being its ludicrous self, 2020 will be Trump’s to lose

Right and in 2016 you didn't help trump & the Russians install him.

There is noting majority well about tue economy. Trump’s heartland is losing. Wisconsin. Has lost about 400 dairy farms in past two years.

self described conservative no doubt well above median income doesn't realize that the economy isn't working for the vast majority....

He’s not responsible for the economy

Reality: Americans are willing to trade Drmocracy for jobs.

Our Great President Trump wont lose!! He’s a WINNER!!

the gop likes to run it red hot into 2ed terms and then when it blows hand it off to dems to fix.

'Losing'and 'President Trump' don't belong in the same article!!! 'Win,win' is better, more applicable?

And if he wins the Republic dies...make the choice America

That’s really sad. We can have kids in cages, rampant corrupt, a divisive POTUS normalizing white nationalism, alienation of our NATO allies, and erosion of our voting and reproductive rights but as long as the 401ks are looking good, whatever?

Twitter twaddle from a GOP hack.

How much money Wallstreet makes is not the only measure of a President and Trump is falling at all his other responsibilities. Trump is probably going to loss the Presidency by 8 million votes next time.

To be sure the Dems are using all kinds of dirty tricks and making baseless accusations to try and make that happen.

misrepresenting gigs as jobs--rather than as what the desperate do while looking for real jobs--distorts the economic numbers and fails to capture the despair of Americans feeling our dreams ebb away

A couple more love calls to Putin should do it,

Obama said there's no magic wand to return manufacturing jobs. We have to get used to 'new normal' and the elites nodded their head's

He is the one that made the economy Great! People would be very stupid to vote otherwise unless they want socialism which is what Venezuela is dealing with, what fake news these people put out!!!

And ur democrats are running on improving the economy. Idiots

He cant lose if he's already been impeached 😍 ImpeachTheMF

What economy? There are more homeless now than ever and one in five children live in poverty in the US.

If we are more concerned about the economy than we are about the fact that Trump attempted to obstruct justice and the fact that Putin helped him win, then shame on us.

He has already lost and America is next.

Washington Post pronoun of lying

Are you sure of that?

🔥 However, the ranks of the employed also declined by 103,000, according to the Labor Department's household survey. Forbes

The economy! What f’n economy? I lost thousands in my money market accounts last quarter! Thousands! LOST! FakeNews

Trump has been doing that practically every day of his presidency.

It won’t.

My company has had 3 rounds of layoffs since trump was elected. This economy isn’t working very well for most people. The rich are doing great.

Yes, and if the smart people that put him in office the 1st time got a kick out of the flakes crying on election day, hold on, 2020 is going to be truly glorious. I for one, will be sitting in front of the TV with plenty of popcorn. After I run out to vote for Trump of course.

Washington Compost

No, because we are all worse off.

And I sense there will be plenty of FBI and Secret Service that will be more than happy to oblige.

That wasn't so evident in the 2018 elections was it. Landslide democrats- and the economy was great. Unless the democrats screw up big time, our problem will be physically removing him from the WH after he is defeated.

Why is 'the economy' consistently divested from the debt? The full picture is like running 25 mph in one direction on a treadmill moving many times faster in the opposite direction.

He can lose it just by being his old racist lying misogynistic self.

It depends on the jobs. Are the jobs he created paying enough for people to support themselves. Is he counting the jobs of selling girl scout cookies ,

Trump has done nothing for or against the economy. This election is about trump’s patriotism and character. Are we going to support our most racist leader ever? I hope not.

Even a positive story has a negative spin. This must be exhausting for them.

Economy at the end of Clinton presidency was better, and even with more votes than Bush it wasn’t enough for Gore to win.

The economy has nothing to do with trump. He is not helping business or cities. He is just there. We have to take care of each other. We are on our own, living in spite of the president.

Let’s ignore his criminality, his North Korea failure, the criminal cases not yet made public and keep this spin going.

Look the economy has been up in arms for 50yrs my age time trump inherited a good economic growth and carry it onward that’s what presidents do he didn’t work hard as former presidents he was building trump towers hiring undocumented immigrants to take advantage of the labor laws

But but but but you same clowns PROMISED me that Trump was going to prison.

Not unless the American people put our Democracy ahead of profits for the 1%.

No, it will be America's loss. Obama 2.0? Help!

They said the same thing with Hillary Clinton,she was way ahead in the polls and look what happened ,a horrible disaster !!

It is NOT about the economy...false argument. It is about healthcare, voting rights, non white rights, climate change, the rule of law.

We will keep going up for the next 5 years. Dems sit back and enjoy the ride


Errr huh? If anything a “good” economy is the only thing keeping Trump going. He will lose 100% the minute the economy collapse and his supporters finally realize what we’ve all been knew that they’ve been played

This article is pure trigger bait, making the heads of uneducated leftist extremists explode. The reality, the last two years and the behaviors of the democrats has ensured President Trumps 2nd term.

For farmers and a lot of the middle class, the economy is not good at all. And lets not even talk about what this economy has done to the deficit and debt of this country. That’s going to catch up to that economy sooner or later.

With only one slight problem. The economy is primarily benefiting the 1% while everyday Americans are being locked out. Trickle down doesn’t work in partnershipwith human greed: It is a shell game concept used by oligarchy governments.


No one cares if the rich are doing well. Wages are stagnant for working Americans

Greatest president ever. Just think what he could of done if dems didn’t run this spying hoax on the American people.

... and living in a nation that is no longer a representative democracy but a nation of autocracy and oligarchy unleashed.

Please don't say that! The Democrats are already trying very, very hard to undermine America just so Trump doesn't win - it's clear they don't give a damn about our country.

In your dreams....

Opinion: So in other words, failing to uphold the constitution and oaths of office, the absence of morals and ethics, and not protecting the environment or national security is okay as long as the wealthiest Americans and corporations make a buck.

Trump wins 2020

What momentum? If you relying on the same lies coming out of the Trump administration, you love being lied to.

That's usually how it works but if the economy has been SOOOOO GOOD then how come he can barely crack 40% in approval rating thru then1st 2 years That's just wild.....that good of an econ and head BARELY above water

If you are counting on Joe Biden? He may be too busy testifying at Obama's and Clinton's trial. Then again he has a 'small' corruption issue of his own, regarding his son Hunter and the Ukrainian government to sort out. Treason and Corruption. LOL!

WaPo (and all other leftist activist media): ...it’s Trump’s to lose, and we’ll do all we can to assist in that loss.

2016 was Hillary’s to lose for similar reasons

Not very often I agree with you because of your total disdain for Trump and conservatives but I will say you are spot on here.

No. Hate will win this race. It’s a greater motivation than love. If enough people hate Trump, they will show up to vote. That’s what happened to Hillary in 2016. Repubs hated her.

Democrats 2020 campaign slogan. Let's make the economy bad again.

And now write the article explaining how administrative and legislative policies have little short term impact on a cyclical economy.

Stop using the same old markers on the economy. How many people are working more than one job, share housing, have to choose between medicine and food? It is not that great for everyone. And Republicans are always threatening the safety net


Must be killing you?

Great news! Trump has to really blow it, to lose in 2020. Highly unlikely! Hey, I have a campaign slogan Democrats can borrow! 'Why not vote Democrat?... We're incapable of improving Anything!'

What kind of jobs are available? VP’s, C-suite executives, executives 50+ are having to resort to ‘consulting ‘ which is basically doing the same job for half the cash and no benefits. Yeah, the economy is great. Tell that to the 30 year olds with roommates.

Sending this to Al Gore...

You mean, 'Trump's to win.'

Illegitimate presidency!! Putin installed trump in 2016 and will do it again in 2020. It was NEVER the economy, stupid! Wake up!! impeachTrumpPence

Economy momentum...how’s that deficit? How are those Farmers on gov. welfare because the tariffs killed their business? How are those workers in Ohio that lost their jobs at GM plant or the workers who got a text on a Sat. night that their jobs were gone from a trucking plant? 🤷‍♀️

In fairness poverty has been dropping since ‘14. But these census numbers are going to be interesting. Locally we are thriving. And I don’t think the experience is specific to Michigan.


Opinion, Henry Olsen is a jackass.

Mất là mất theo nghĩa nào

Good News to report! We kept out hate.

So the death of democracy is worth it?

That is true. But what will the economy look like in 2021 and a few years beyond. There will be a bubble that will burst somewhere, sometime. Corporations are holding a lot of debt.

The Kamala tooth a way.

🖕🏿🖕🏽🖕🏾 there’s a large amount of the population that puts morals and leadership over a few dollars.

But informed Americans know that our dirty Democrat-run Media will prop up, defend, and campaign for any Democrat who's facing President Trump in 2020. Journalists today are nothing but political activists. They're not interested in the truth, just spinning for politicians.☹️

The deficit, rising price of goods, children in Concentration camps, disasters caused by climate change, the criminal elements of the administration, the rise of white supremacist violence, obstruction of justice, Russian interference...we will not be dismissing these issues.

And Dems will keep obstructing... they don’t care about the country they just want power.

Despite how much you dildos try to rig the game.

The democrats are very capable of producing a great economy after all they had to do it every time a republicans fucked it up and now that they inherited a great economy from the president Obama they want to claim credit

But inequality has worsened. Something for the Dems to tackle.

This economy, that is ROARING, has been established BY the realDonaldTrump. The democrats aren't going to win the 2020Election. They're just going through the motions to just get it over with, be defeated, and continue slobbering their lies. They've GOT NOTHING!

Staying on message is the President's Kryptonite. Dem opponents maintain unrealistic messages of impeachment and free stuff. It's a wash. tossup

Trump may not be the death of the economy, but he certainly will be the death of everything else if re-elected.

IF IT DOESN'T, DonaldTrump will do what he always does. Blame someone. Anyone. 100% guaranteed. He NEVER, EVER takes responsibility for anything that goes in a downward direction, another sign of immaturity and narcissism.

Illegitimate presidency!! Putin installed trump in 2016 and will do it again in 2020. It was NEVER the economic, stupid! Wake up!! impeachTrumpPence

A brief moment of common sense from WaPo

Bullshit...OBAMA started this boom, and it's still his...Trump can't even tie his shoes.

The economy has been “booming” for years before Trump. He didn’t pull the bus out of the ditch, he just hasn’t driving it off the road again. But Trump is great at taking credit for things he’s supposed to do and for trends that we’re already there. Will people buy it in 2020?

You are sick.

That's hilarious! Now do the article where the Trump regime gets credit for adding that many jobs to the economy that also pay a living wage, & not some bullshit below poverty line pay. I'll wait...

So you’re saying people will sell their soul to the devil over the economy? Don’t forget to mention that Trump is reaping the positive economic effects of the previous administrations..

I am certain you and the other fake news media will do your best To have Trump lose regardless of how well the American people are doing

People vote their pocketbooks. No matter how bad they disrespect the man in office. Sad that people put money before guiding principles or moral compass.


Totally nonsense

I just want to know who these people are that are benefiting from this 'economy'. I work roughly 60 hours a week-salaried. Every single thing I have to purchase each month is now more expensive. I'm not seeing a strong economy for me.

Well somebody better tear the economy down!

Why does no one mention that we have 10,000 boomers a day retiring?

Ya but TECHNICALLY President Obama is who we can thank. Not Mr. Trump.

As long as Trump is “priming the pump” by running up the Federal credit card (deficit over $1T and growing), the economy will expand until inflation sets in.


WaPO talking truth. What has the world come to?

Having a good economy is lovely...but Americans are willing to trade in the integrity of their democracy to have it.

As you post the sign of a minimum wage job that can't support a family

His name is ‘Individual 1’

All people need to do to fix that is quit buying shit you do not need to survive.

Oh WoPo

That's a pretty big 'if'.

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